Book update CRM 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011 at 06:47PM

As I’ve been traveling around the world doing training events on CRM 2011, a lot of people have been asking about an update on the book and what our plans are for CRM 2011. In addition to being crazy busy with all the things leading up to the launch we have also been busy working on updating content for CRM 2011. We currently have two CRM 2011 books planned for release in the next few months and I wanted to share a little bit of information on the plans.


Using Silverlight with CRM 2011 – Target Release March 2011

One of the cool new things in CRM 2011 is its support for making Silverlight a first class way to extend the user experience. This book will focus on all the different ways you can extend CRM 2011 using Silverlight including on Forms, on the Dashboard and many other creative ideas. The book also includes enough basic Silverlight information so if you are new to Silverlight you can get started right away.


CRM 2011 as a Rapid Development Platform – Target Release May 2011

A lot has changed since 2008 when the book was first published for CRM 4.0. At the same time, CRM 2011 is even more compelling for building a wide variety of applications that aren’t just limited to CRM. In this update to the popular CRM 4.0 book we will be focusing on providing deep information that developers need to build applications with CRM 2011 and the xRM Application Framework.

In both cases stay tuned if you have purchased our prior books we want to make sure you also get some special offers for the new books as well. If you don’t have one of our books, make sure you register on the book site as a user –

For anyone that might be interested we are also in need of a small number of people to provide early reviews and feedback on the content. Ideally, this would be a mix of people who are new to the topics and some that have been heavily involved in CRM 2011 beta testing. If that is you and you are interested please contact me directly via my blog at

Article originally appeared on CRM as a Rapid Development Platform (
See website for complete article licensing information.