CRM Incubation week #2 just announced
Thursday, February 26, 2009 at 01:36PM

So directly or indirectly we have all been hit by our "economic downturn" (I hate that phrase!). Maybe you got a cut in hours, lost your job altogether or had your credit card company suddenly reduce your credit limit. Right?


So with all that mess going on around us we need to seek out community opportunities to help build our skills and our business. These events are of such great value, you would pay for them, but they're free! Yup, FREE.


So, my buddy Sanjay had such a great success with the first CRM Incubation week, that he is doing another one. This one in Boston, week of April 20. Only cost you need to cover is your travel to/in Boston. Rest is free. Training. Industry experts. Angel investors hanging around.

Pretty cool stuff going on here. More details below on Sanjay's blog. Tell him Julie sent you :)


Microsoft Dynamics ISV Architect Evangelism : Startups: Announcing 2nd Microsoft Dynamics CRM Incubation Week

Article originally appeared on CRM as a Rapid Development Platform (
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